Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Violent Video Game Ban Could Set Dangerous Precedent

This is a response to a comment left for "Violent Video Game Ban Could Set Dangerous Precedent"

Original Comment:

"johngeorge says:                                                                 Tue Nov 02 15:51:35 PDT 2010

these games should be banned!i'm all for games but these kill as many as you can any way you can videos are a crying shame! the language is also a crying shame! the sex is a crying shame! the makers should be sued and tried for all the latest murders and crimes committed like them! i hope the supreme court agrees with the california courts! stop letting them make money off your children!

john george columbus ohio"

I did not edit the comment in any way. 

OK, I hear the positions on this "Violent and Obscene Video Game's are Bad" thing is keeping the obscenity out of people's lives or "Don't Mess with our 1st Amendment", but what about the long term implication. Do you really want to live in a world where the government is in any more control of the things we see and hear in the media? Please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that we should be selling Duke Nukem Forever to 12 year olds, and I do think that there must be stricter regulations for violent and obscene games and media, but do we really need to bring it to a point where we are completely removing peoples work for the sake of our own personal morals and standards and completely disregard the values of the 1st amendment! A better solution would be a registry and a complex security system of sorts in order to prevent people who are too young or too unstable to play or view this "filth". If in order to play a violent game or watch a pornographic film we need to enter our user name, password, 8 digit security pin, legal name, our driver's license or identification card number, an Obscenity Registration Card (or something like that) number and pin, and the last 4 digits of our social security number, than we will both reduce the number of people viewing these items of media, both in the general, legally eligible, public, and in the number of minors and mentally unfit members of society that view this "garbage". If you think about it, most people will be ether too tired or to lazy to complete a long, overly extended, access and verification process to view graphic material and just walk away, rather that spend the 10 minutes passwords and number combinations just to watch 30 seconds of porn. This allows for both sides of the fence to be happy, you get your protection from obscenity, and the 1st amendment is protected. Given, it may be annoying, but at least we protect the very thing the American's fought for during their battle with the British, and we honor the very sacrifice those brave patriots valued the most when they signed the Declaration of Independence that July 4th 1776.

As corny as the last sentence was, it is true. So when you go to sleep tonight on you couch watching The Daily Show with John Stewart, or at your computer listening to your opinionated YouTube news video blogs like The Philip DeFranco Show, or The Poultry Press, remember that those little pleasures are may not be at the forefront of the controversy, they are in the danger zone. Not that they're going to be strong armed to shut down, but that if the government were to see fit, they would take down every scrap of linked media even remotely relating to them on a whim.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Shoebox Press: The Beginning

Welcome to the Shoebox Press! For those who don't know me I will be your editor and chief. I have made it my sworn duty to voice my opinions on all that I find wrong and unjust about the world we live in. Poetisim aside I just want to bring what I feel is terrible out into the open. though it may not be what you think to be horrific or wrong, but the things I see are my interpretations and hopefully you will agree. Some topics will be targeting the people we know and love, others will be targeting the people that we work for or that work for us (I'm looking at you BP) but whatever happens just know that people do what they do not because anyone told them to or because they needed it to live, but because they are compelled to do what they think is right, and that's the only reason whether they want to admit it or not. This is why I write.

Wow that ending feels like it's got some Limburger in it 'cause I can smell the cheesiness from across the room! But seriously this is kinda a way to say what I think needs to be said, whether anyone agrees with me or not. Opinions are important! So do me a favor and leave me a comment at the bottom of any of my posts and tell me what you think. I honestly wanna hear what you have to say!

3D and You: A brief look into the movie toilet

Don't you think this 3D thing is becoming a bit too much of a gimmick. If you think about it, most of the movies coming out in 3D actually suck and the great gems of the cinema are being overlooked in the eyes of the media by monstrously terrible crap like "Clash of the Titans" and "Resident Evil: Afterlife". I think that people should get back to making the plot and portrayal of a movie of a higher quality rather than slapping the 3D sticker on a crappy movie. At least it shows one thing, "If you dip a turd in gold, it may stink, but at least it looks good." Not to mention the fact that using 3D technology on a 2 Dimensionally filmed movie will do nothing except give people headaches due to the unnatural view of the film. People! You need to wipe the flashy crust of technology off you eyes and see these movies for what they truly are for all the the theatrical world is at steak! But regardless of the herd of the masses, I still have hope. For as long as i know that there is still one person with the will and courage to stand up to the looming hydra known as "3D", I know that good movies can still exist in the land of the free, intellectual world...