Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Shoebox Press: The Beginning

Welcome to the Shoebox Press! For those who don't know me I will be your editor and chief. I have made it my sworn duty to voice my opinions on all that I find wrong and unjust about the world we live in. Poetisim aside I just want to bring what I feel is terrible out into the open. though it may not be what you think to be horrific or wrong, but the things I see are my interpretations and hopefully you will agree. Some topics will be targeting the people we know and love, others will be targeting the people that we work for or that work for us (I'm looking at you BP) but whatever happens just know that people do what they do not because anyone told them to or because they needed it to live, but because they are compelled to do what they think is right, and that's the only reason whether they want to admit it or not. This is why I write.

Wow that ending feels like it's got some Limburger in it 'cause I can smell the cheesiness from across the room! But seriously this is kinda a way to say what I think needs to be said, whether anyone agrees with me or not. Opinions are important! So do me a favor and leave me a comment at the bottom of any of my posts and tell me what you think. I honestly wanna hear what you have to say!

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